Museum Fiss CTA EN

S'Paules & S'Seppls Haus


... a real treasure from a long-forgotten time. The historical village centre of Fiss in Tyrol with its 1000 inhabitants is dominated by the grand Oberinntaler Durchfahrtshof farmhouse with its large arched doorway, tiny windows and ornate roof.

The farmhouse suffered the same fate as many other farms in the region, namely of being divided up among its beneficiaries until the house was finally abandoned several decades ago. Tentative steps were then taken to set up a "new" museum, which documents the extremely varied architectural history of the house as well as the lives of its inhabitants


15th June to 15th October
Monday 3 pm – 5 pm

Thursday with bread baking 9.30 am – 11 pm



15th December to 15th April
Tuesday & Wednesday 3 pm – 6 pm


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Weekly events


La s'Paules und s'Seppls Haus è una delle ultime testimonianze rimaste intatte della cultura contadina dell'Oberland tirolese.

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Archeological findings have shown that an early medieval cemetery was located on the grounds of the farmhouse.

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Isidor Pale was an extraordinary person, regarded as somewhat of an oddity within the village community.


go to Isidors blog

Opening times


15th June to 15th October
Monday 3 pm – 5 pm

Thursday with bread baking 9:30 am – 11 am



15th December to 15th April
Tuesday & Wednesday 3 pm – 6 pm


Our visitor information

Weekly events

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